
Figurine dinosaure Stygimoloch - Papo

4.5 (266) · € 6.99 · En Stock

Figurine dinosaure Stygimoloch - Papo

Découvrez la figurine de dinosaure mégalodon de Papo, un dinosaure pour s'inventer des histoires au temps des dinosaures. Le Mégalodon est une espèce éteinte de requins lamniformes ayant vécu du Miocène jusqu'au milieu du Pliocène, il y a entre 23 et 3,6 millions d'années, bien que d'autres estimations fixent sa date d'extinction au Pléistocène inférieur
Découvrez le dinosaure Stygimoloch de Papo, un dinosaure associé au démon du Styx qui vivait en Amérique du Nord. Ce dinosaure mesurant environ 3 mètres de long et arborait un crâne épais et plat orné de six grosses cornes. Avec les dinosaures foulez la terre du Jurassique, côtoyer le légendaire T-Rex, parcourez de vastes plaines avec le vélociraptor ou envolez vous avec un ptéranodon.

Stygimoloch Pachycephalosaurus Figure Dinosaur Simulation Toy

Stygimoloch Pachycephalosaurus Figure Dinosaur Simulation Toy

Papo - T-Rex - Yellow Springs Toy Company

Papo - T-Rex - Yellow Springs Toy Company

Styracosaurus - 2011 Papo

Styracosaurus - 2011 Papo

Straight from the feature length Dino Dana film comes Stygimoloch, the spiky bone-headed dinosaur. This dinosaur toy figurine features details and coloration right out of the Dino Dana film, including a rosy red body with lighter splotches along its length. But that's not all by using your phone to scan the QR code on the figure's hangtag and downloading the Dino Dana app, you can scan the figure's barcode to make this Stygimoloch come alive in an Augmented Reality environment!.

Dino Dana Stygimoloch Toy Dinosaur Figure - Safari LTD

Dino Dana Stygimoloch Toy Dinosaur Figure - Safari LTD

Allosaurus - Papo

Allosaurus - Papo

27cm Big Size Same film Jurassic Dinosaur pachycephalosaurus

27cm Big Size Same film Jurassic Dinosaur pachycephalosaurus

Released in the summer of 2018 Jurassic World Ania, the Kingdom of Fire, is here. Ania is a series of animal figures with 1 gimmick that allows you to experience the charm and diversity of animals in a fun and familiar way. Movable gimmicks that can be played with movement, realistic painting and details, palm size that is easy to play, low unit price that is easy to collect, etc. are attractive. Stygimoloch has movable legs and tail. Size Package: W134xH70xD70mm Target age 3 years and over.

[Takara TOMY] Ania Jurassic World - Stiegi Moloch

[Takara TOMY] Ania Jurassic World - Stiegi Moloch

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Papo Dinosaurs Chilesaurus 55082

Papo Stygimoloch #55084 - Impressive Horns - New in 2020

Papo Stygimoloch #55084 - Impressive Horns - New in 2020

Polacanthus - Papo

Polacanthus - Papo

Stygimoloch Cryolophosaurus Baryonyx Action Figure Dinosaur Model

Stygimoloch Cryolophosaurus Baryonyx Action Figure Dinosaur Model

His name means “demon from the river Styx”, Stygimoloch seem to be significant in showing that during the Late Cretaceous Period, these were

Papo - Stygimoloch

Papo - Stygimoloch

8'' Realistic Dinosaur Stygimoloch Solid Action Figure Model Toy

8'' Realistic Dinosaur Stygimoloch Solid Action Figure Model Toy